Thursday, December 16, 2010

My undercover artist

Soooooo.... when we first got this assingment I thought I wasnt going to enjoy it because I dont really search for new, undercover artists. My friends, people in my family, and others around me are usually the ones to find the new music and then I just start listening to it too. I guess that's why my library isnt really diverse or unique at all. Now that I think about it, it shows no distinct individuality and you cant tell the type of person I am by my library because the music is so common. But now that I've done this assignment I realized that I've really been missing out. There's so many artists out there that dont get recognition from the radio or tv. And they go unnoticed by a mojority of music listeners until artists get their big break, if they ever do. So I've also realized through this assingment that the best way to get music heard is via internet. There's no more efficient way to do it. Anyone in the world with access to internet can access the music that anyone puts out there. to the real point of this blog entry. I found an artist by the name of Kendrick Lamar. He is a guy from Compton, California. He started out when he was thirteen and has been developing his craft every since. His main goal now is to give people his real self through his music. He used to go by the name of "K Dot", but then he said he had an epiphany one morning and decided to give people his real self, starting with going by his real first name, Kendrick Lamar. He said "I just feel like it was time for the people to understand me and know who I am." And I can respect an artist like this. A person thats willing to uncover himself and peel back the layers of his life so that he can be heard. So when I listened to some of his music, I saw this goal throughout. In every one of the songs I heard by him, he put a piece of him like images of his childhood or his continued struggles as an artist in his lyrics. And it seems like he became more real through every song. I will definitely continue to search for more music by him and for  many more artists, that just havent gotten their break yet, but deserve at least for me to lend them my ear.


1 comment:

  1. I like the approach you took to the assignment: you made yourself find something new. Hopefully other people's blogs will help you find more. I am not familiar with Kendrick Lamar but will check him out. Do you have a link to a song that is one of your favorites?
