Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a Plow.....HUH???

Soooooo...once again here's Mr. McCarthy picking some random qoute out of thin air and wanting me to decipher it. Grrrrr!!! And here he is once again stretching my imagination, becasue at first I didnt know what to say to this. Its a statement. Not a controversial opinionated phrase, but a statement. So here's me trying my best to make this quote mean something to me. The definition of a plow is an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil and sometimes it is used as a verb and it means to tear up, cut into, or make a furrow or groove. Generally, this word refers to the changing or the altering of something. 
When I substitute this into the phrase given, it makes me think of how I am able to change the opinions, minds, and the condition of the world around me. I am young and learning new things everyday which in turn stretches my mind and molds me into a person of few boundaries. For example, only after one year and a quater at Whitney Young I look at particular ethnicities in a completely different light. I am also exposed to all types of people under the Sun. And I can influence their opinions of my culture. Another way I am a "plow" is because I have the determination of no other and no one can put a limit on what I am capable of. I have a voice that no one can muffle or take away. The sky is NOT the limit. I am in the prime stage of my life i think, becuase I am still under the protection of my parents yet I still have responsibilities and I am dependent on myself to handle schoolwork and make thoughful decisions. It's like the best of both worlds. 
I can make changes within myself and influence the decisions, ideas, and perception of  my peers and youger people close to me. I am... powerful beyond imagination.The real question is will I take advantage of my potential and use this gift? 


  1. It is interesting how you connect a plow with determination and changing things, like how a plow can change the landscape of a field.

  2. Thanks Gorddon. That was exactly where I was trying to go with this blog entry. Me and u just see eye to eye...well sometimes at least haha.

  3. I love how you gave the plow a deeper meaning than just a gardening tool. I appreciate the personification used in this entry.
