Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The person I'm most thankful for in this class is...

Mr. McCarthy of course. He's the guy that controls my grade, the amount of homework I get, AND what I learn about american literature. He's the best teacher I know on top of that. Why of course. I am definitely most thankful for Mr. McCarthy. Haha. But all jokes aside, truthfully, he's one cool teacher. For example, one thing I will never forget once I leave his class is what he says every time anyone calls on him. They'll say "Mr. McCarthy?" and he'll say, 'I am' with this really deep English voice. Haha good times.
And a few other people I love having in my class is... Brittany Simone Morris and Lauren Jeon. They are both crazy but funny and let me know what's going on when I space out occasionally. And who could ever forget the prestigious Gordon Bentley haha. One funny dude. If he wasn't there I wouldn't have anyone to talk about or look at with "why are u so stupid face" haha.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a Plow.....HUH???

Soooooo...once again here's Mr. McCarthy picking some random qoute out of thin air and wanting me to decipher it. Grrrrr!!! And here he is once again stretching my imagination, becasue at first I didnt know what to say to this. Its a statement. Not a controversial opinionated phrase, but a statement. So here's me trying my best to make this quote mean something to me. The definition of a plow is an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil and sometimes it is used as a verb and it means to tear up, cut into, or make a furrow or groove. Generally, this word refers to the changing or the altering of something. 
When I substitute this into the phrase given, it makes me think of how I am able to change the opinions, minds, and the condition of the world around me. I am young and learning new things everyday which in turn stretches my mind and molds me into a person of few boundaries. For example, only after one year and a quater at Whitney Young I look at particular ethnicities in a completely different light. I am also exposed to all types of people under the Sun. And I can influence their opinions of my culture. Another way I am a "plow" is because I have the determination of no other and no one can put a limit on what I am capable of. I have a voice that no one can muffle or take away. The sky is NOT the limit. I am in the prime stage of my life i think, becuase I am still under the protection of my parents yet I still have responsibilities and I am dependent on myself to handle schoolwork and make thoughful decisions. It's like the best of both worlds. 
I can make changes within myself and influence the decisions, ideas, and perception of  my peers and youger people close to me. I am... powerful beyond imagination.The real question is will I take advantage of my potential and use this gift? 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mr. McCarthy

Soooooooo.... Im definitely liking this class so far. We have enough assignments for it not to be a slack of class but few enough assignments to keep it chill and the mood of the class relaxed. At first I didnt like the blogs because I thought it was just another thing to add to my homework but its actually pretty cool to express my opinion on the web and anyone ewith access to the internet can read it. Its a quick and easy way to get my point across :). And the people I sit by make the class that much better. (Lauren, Emmitt, Brittany, Porsha.....and last and definitely least Gordon Bentley, I love these guys). But on the downside we've only read one book that has kept me remotely interested, The Crucible. And that was just okay. I think we should just start watching the movie in class and taking notes on that. I think I would retain the details a lot more, because I'm a visual person.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Is slavery completey dead???

Sooooooo.... My opinion is that slavery has not be completely abolished everywhere in the world. It's really sad after all this time that we still haven't learned our lesson to treat others how we want to be treated. No one wants to be enslaved and no one has the right to enslave anyone else. No matter how superior people think they are over other people, nothing gives them the right to demean and strip the rights of any human being. Even though special documents like the Declaration of Independence don't exist in all countries and it only protects the rights of Americans,I think every place in the world should have a document that promises every human being apart at least this one unalienable right: FREEDOM! Slavery I know is still alive because there's always going to be a group of people that feel superior over another. This is the reason slavery will never die, because people will never see all other people equal to themselves. I think in many impoverished countries and places where the government has much control over their citizens' lives is where slavery continues. The citizens are unable to organize and rise up against "The Man" (whoever the higher authority may be). Or the citizens just don't know how to escape this confinement.