Sunday, February 20, 2011

Propaganda and Politics

These two subjects go hand and hand anytime there is an election and people are trying to promote themselves. I have witnessed it numerous times before and it's a tactic that has become apart of a politicians nature. They can't survive without it. But what I hate about political figures using propoganda is that they use it as a 'crutch' so to speak. When they don't have many good things to say about themselves and they can't use their experience alone to advertise themselves to the public, they pull other things out of their competitors' past to ruin them and their platform. It's actually really pathetic. If a person running for a political position has things in their past that need to be exposed,they will come to the light. It's nottheir competitors' job to expose it for them. And if a person's opponents work overtime to try and ruin them, that only shows that the opponents are afraid that the other person might win. This tactic, if used totear someoneelse down, only reeks of fear and jealousy. Politicians should worry about their own campaigns and use propaganda to benefit themselves and not to harm others

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beat Street

Beat Street is nothing like a movie I've seen before. I've watched some movies about hip hop, but never like this one. One aspect I like about it is that it includes a driven plot of a real story while educating me about the ins and outs of hip hop. For example before watching this move I never knew that the idea of hip-hop not only included sick beats and slick rhymes, but also the artistic styles of graffiti and the back-breaking moves of break dancing. Its all intertwined together and neither can survive without the other. And I really cant decide which aspect of Hip-Hop I like better in this movie. First of all, the graffiti just mesmerizes me because I cant just draw to save my life and the way that Ramo effortlessly drew these murals and how he just dreamed them up in his head. He was a free-lance artist that used the world around him as his canvas and he made it beautiful with every spray. Then the dancing is on a whole other level. My body could never move like that. And even though those dances look outdated, I just cant deny that they were some good dancers. And I cant forget the way that some of the characters experimented with the music and proved  how anything could fit together, in some type of arrangement, to make a good sound.

And the one thing that ties all of these characters together is their passion. Whatever it was that they did, it wasn't just a hobby, but it was a definite part of their life that they couldn't survive without. The pride that they had in their artwork, dancing, or music was undeniable. A prime example of this is how Ramo got so excited when he saw a all-white train. He was astounded and determined to be the one to tag it. So yeah. Its been a good movie so far. And I cant wait to finish the movie.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Is Richard all alone with his hunger?

Richard, is without a doubt not alone in his hunger for attention. Lots of people have resorted to the tactics of Richard in our present day world to get attention. This craving for attention can reside inside a child in a big family, a child in a family like Richard's, or in a child with no family at all. All kids want someone to be proud of them, teach them right from wrong, and most importantly to nurture and care about them.
And this hunger is not only present in children but in people of all ages. Anyone is susceptible to feeling lonely and unwanted. Even though children are more prone to this type of feeling than adults, it can happen to anyone. And  I think age really doesn't make a difference. Some children act like Richard and some just become very reserved and cold-hearted not wanting to trust anyone. And adults are the same way. They will either act out by tainting their lives with drugs and other dangerous activity or just develop a very callused personality and spirit that will make it hard for anyone to love them again.