Friday, October 29, 2010

Insight and Questioning into The Puritans, Salem, and The House of the Seven Gables!

           I have the responsibility of commenting on three different topics and Ill try my best to make sure it flows. So, here goes. I would like to first recognize the Puritans. I've learned a lot about them in class and about their lifestyle, but after more research it got me thinking about the logic of their reasoning behind all of it. I already knew that they lived a very strict lifestyle and they could not waver from it in any way. But they also believed that God had a pre-destined place for everyone to go, as in Heaven or Hell. So why would people just not live 'normal' lives, and just do the stuff that they wanted to do because no matter what they only had one, definite resting place. And as in normal I mean commit sins like all other people and allow themselves to make mistakes because no matter what their eternal resting place had already been decided.
                    On to the next subject, Salem. The one and only Salem, Massachusetts. The place Salem itself is only interesting to me for two reasons, the Salem Witch Trials and the House of Seven Gables book but there are other little, imposrtant tidbits about it that are good to know. The city actually was started by a group of fishermen. Back then it was a very important shipping and trading place because of its close location to the water. And this made the town very rich and increased its size. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The times when I know I cant be anything BUT American

Soooooo... I cant choose one day when I realized that I was American. That day was either far too long ago or maybe it just wasn't memorable, but for now I'll just tell you about the times when I just know the things I do, say, or think are American. For example, when I'm riding in the car with my parents and we drive past any fast food chain or just a fast food place, I always see the lines packed with people. The drive- thru and the insides of the restaurant are full. no other place likes fast food like Americans. We love our fast food because its quick, easy, and most importantly CONVENIENT. Us Americans like everything that's convenient and veer towards that more than anything else. Part of the American way is having convenience in your life because our lives are very fast- paced and the quicker we can get something the better. Also Other instances when I know I'm American is when I find myself looking at the late- night infomercial that come on TV. They are always trying to sell you something that makes life more "convenient" and that will make life "easier". They try to sell you all types of things just to make that fast buck. And you cant forget their famous slogans at the end: "Buy now or they'll all be gone"  or "Call right now". They always try to get their product to sell quickly to make the fast buck. These are the few times when I know I'm American because they directly exhibit our fast paced life and one of our top priorities, convenience. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Conflict and the consequences of NO resolution

               Conflict...bickering...disagreement with no resoltion in sight= DEATH! Now if you ask me this chain of events makes no sense and is completely irrational. Just because a disagreement cannot be settled means that someone has to lose their life? What kind of mindset is that!!! This kind of thinking makes no sense and I fear anyone that thinks this mentality to be right or just.
               This kind of thinking, in certain situations,  is an utter contradicton of the Constitution that our country was built on. For example, The principle of freedom of speech is not just exclusive to one group of people but is given to all people upon citizenship. Peolpe are allowed to say anything they feel and to express their opinion. Undoubtedly, people are going to disagree at times, but life goes on. People get into conflicts over their ideas at school, on the job, and in homes, but no idea is so strong that someone should lose their life. There will always be someone on the other side of the fence of you. No act of murder is justified in the sense of differing opinions no matter what subject is being argued.
              People should also never be persecuted or treated unfairly for having different and unique ideas. If people are in conflict, they dont have to take it to the next level of actually abusing or hurting the person physically. The best way to deal with conflict is to respect the other person's position and moreover to put yourself in their positions. I these two steps are followed a lot less conflicts would end in tragedy.